
AAC manufacturing process creates an ultra light concrete (about 1/5 the weight of conventional concrete) with a unique cellular structure. A structure that doesn’t require major repair and renovation for a very long time. Autoclaved Aerated Concrete has proven to be a very durable material despite of its lightweight. Its, solidity comes from the calcium silicate that encloses its millions of air pores and from process of curing in a pressurised steam chamber, an autoclave. Its excellent mechanical properties make it the construction material of choice for earthquake zones.
Autoclaved Aerated Concrete structures have been used in many different climates worldwide, many over sixty years old in excellent condition. Autoclaved Aerated Concrete systems can save money, inconvenience, energy and other resources too. our AAC Blocks will not rot, wrap, rust, corrode, or otherwise decompose.

Heat Resistant

Safe materials are better materials. Due to it purely mineral composition, Autoclaved Aerated Concrete is not only non-combustible, it has the highest level of fire safety among all other traditional building materials. our Autoclaved Aerated Concrete blocks can withstand a fire up to 1200oC. A 10 cm think non-load bearing Wall, provides a U.L classified 4-hour fire rating. This far exceeds the requirements of the Standard building code, and provide significant level of protection against loss of life and property. Not surprising, Autoclaved Aerated Concrete’s insulating properties are superior to other materials.

Sound insulation

Noise is a particular problem in modern living, for residents of homes and multi-residential building and for people working in commercial buildings. The solid wall construction of a building made of our Blocks provides exceptional acoustic insulation. It porous structure and high surface mass dampens mechanical vibration energy, greatly reduces outside noise pollution and indoor echo effect in empty rooms, providing a quieter, more comfortable interior for the occupants.

With sound insulation of our block walls, residents don’t have to worry about bothering other members of their household or neighbours – and they needn’t be annoyed by other people’s noises.

applicability and durability

This product can be easily drilled, sawed, grooved or spiked and provide mechanical and electrical places.
Europe buildings age that are built with this blocks is over 85 years. According to the block raws, this product is not corrupted and is not a suitable place for growing termite or mildew.

Cost effective and fast block performance

The larger dimensions of the AAC block, as compared to other materials, increase the speed of the wall building and save time and labor, and In this regard, it will also be economically more affordable and the waste of the building is completely tangible.


The larger dimensions of the AAC block, as compared to other materials, increase the speed of the wall building and save time and labor, and In this regard, it will also be economically more affordable and the waste of the building is completely tangible.

shrinkage due to the drying

Due to drying there is smaller dimensional changes and Crush In AAC blocks over other materials.

The smaller shrinkage due to the drying of the AAC block is due to the baking process in autoclave at 190 ° temperature for 12 times in 12 hours, which causes short and long shrinkage of the concrete.

This advantage cause good adhesion of the plasters and facades with the AAC block. In Standard 8593 ( Clause 5-7 and Table number 3 physical features ) shrinkage due to drying for all resistance classes and specific gravity is expressed as maximum 0.02%.

Impact Resistant

AAC blocks strength and porosity gives it greater resistance to impact damage and it will withstand any impact likely to occur under normal conditions.

These blocks are produced according to standard 8593 in 3 resistance classes.

Transportation and unloading is easy and inexpensive

Packing of blocks on pallets is about 18 × 18 × 1 × 1, which is loaded with forklift in the factory, given that the blocks have a regular, precise, and low-grade geometric shape. ) In each carriage service, more and less weight is loaded and shipped than similar materials, and is easily discharged at the workplace at the project site with a variety of cranes from the forklift truck and tower crane.